Get It Write™ Online
You're judged by your writing. Get a light sentence.
Get It Write Online graduate
"Overall it's an amazing course filled with useful tools and techniques that can be easily applied day to day. I didn't feel like it was any less engaging than being in the room with Paul. Other positives:
Business writing, meet copywriting psychology
Get it Write™ is the product of 18+ years corporate training in Australia and the Asia-Pacific, and over 25 years copywriting experience.
In that time, we've analysed over 20,000 corporate writing samples, and seen very clear patterns. We know what you're doing wrong, and what you're not doing, but could, to seriously boost your results!
This is a principle-based course. That allows you to apply the principles to a wide variety of business-writing tasks:
Being principle-based also lets you apply the comms insights you learn (e.g. how to get attention, engage, motivate and more) beyond the page, in your meetings, presentations, pitches and more. This is really a course in communications psychology and leadership, not just writing.
Get it Write™ will increase your confidence as a writer and all-round communicator. You'll learn the essentials of high-quality communication, including how to write faster, better, and look more professional -- all of which can dramatically boost your effectiveness at work.
Get it Write™ is for anyone who needs to efficiently create or edit superior, easy-to-read documents and emails. It's particularly suited to those with a technical background.
By the end of this course you'll be able to:
TIME REQUIRED: 45 minutes
Welcome to 'Get it Write Online'
About us: Magneto Communications & Paul Jones (co-founder)
Get ready! Have these handy during your training
Quick checklist: How to maximise your learning
Communication is critical: Here's why!
Your learning goals
Why your process matters (& you can't unfry an egg)
Your new writing process: Prepare >> Organise >> Write
FREE PREVIEWTell us about you and what will help most
Are you ready?
TIME REQUIRED: 1.5 hours
Mindset: Your attitude & approach
Set your objective: Why are you writing?
FREE PREVIEWYour focus: Distractions are evil
Your momentum: Beat procrastination & writer's block
Audience research: Get in sync with how they think
Persuading by personality
What's in it for me?
Engaging busy readers: It's about time!
Bring numbers to life
Revision quiz for Module 1: PREPARE
TIME REQUIRED: 1.5 hours
Are you telling or selling? Informing or persuading?
Big news first
'Big news first' work-related exercise: First go
Think like a journo
The hourglass structure
Key-points list
Correct sequence
Reports: The bits managers read (& ignore)
FREE PREVIEWMinto's Pyramid Principle
The ROPED Method for problem-solving writing
'Big news first' work-related exercise: Second go
Persuasion: Quick frameworks
Persuasion: Six-step model
Persuasion at your fingertips
Difficult messages
Compelling headlines
Revision quiz for Module 2: ORGANISE
TIME REQUIRED: 2.5 hours
Rubber hits the road – Welcome to the 'Write' module
The Curse of Cognitive Load
FREE PREVIEWMagneto Poker: Can you Beat the House?
Complexity kills trust
Cognitive load: Death by 1000 cuts
RAZOR: Five ways to cut it at work
Razor 1: Are you being too detailed?
Razor 1: Are you too wordy?
Razor 2: Active voice
Razor 3: Zero nominalised verbs
Razor 4: One idea per sentence
Sins of the Flesch
Razor 5: Regular, natural language
Confusing to clear: What a transformation!
Tone: Sounds good
Grammar (not your nanna)
Punctuation prowess
Spelling: Cheque for moo steaks
Lousy layout loses readers
Tables, charts & graphs: Presenting data
A picture = 1000 words
Proofreading: Have no regerts
Revision quiz for Module 3: WRITE
TIME REQUIRED: 5-10 minutes
Make it stick: Revise, Retain, Apply
What next for you?
Your feedback: Got a minute? We'd love to hear your thoughts
Thy parting thought!
Dot-Connector, Idea Injector, BS Rejector
Your course instructor is corporate communications expert Paul Jones.
Paul is a leading speaker, trainer and writer on the topic of corporate communications. He's a founder and director of Magneto Communications and Credosity.
With a background as a copywriter (25 years) and corporate comms trainer (18+ years), Paul's secret sauce lies in applying copywriting psychology to business writing.
Through his keynotes, masterclasses and webinars, his principles have inspired thousands of people to:
He's helped CXO teams through to graduates change how they write, think and lead at work.
His blue-chip client list includes NAB, Westpac, BHP, Optus, IBM and Clayton Utz.
'The team was very impressed by the course, the content and Paul. They're a difficult bunch to impress, so please take this as a compliment of the highest order. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Paul and Magneto to others wanting a professional writing course.' -- Group Finance & Corporate Affairs, Suncorp |
Paul's engaging, interactive approach makes his courses fun, fascinating and effective. It's why thousands of people have finished his training and couldn't wait to go back to work and write.
Business writing ... fun? Yep. His enthusiasm for communications, psychology and human behaviour is contagious. It results in rich training, with frequent stories, many before/after examples and memorable insights.