About this course

Be confident: Stand and deliver

Presenting with Impact teaches practical tips, techniques and insights to becoming an engaging, interactive presenter.


Who is this course for? 

If you need to effectively present or pitch your ideas to internal or external stakeholders, this course was made for you. 

Learning outcomes

  • Confidently present and pitch your ideas, content and insights to a range of audiences.
  • Develop your ‘engagement’ toolkit – a selection of proven techniques to get and keep attention.
  • Plan and structure presentations for maximum impact. Develop an outline of your own presentation, if you choose to work on it as you do the course.

Presenting With Impact

Course curriculum

    1. YOUR DIGITAL WORKBOOK for 'Presenting with Impact'

    2. Welcome to 'Presenting with Impact': So you want to be a great presenter?

    3. Rules of play: How to get the most from this program

    1. TIME REQUIRED: 1 hour

    2. Get your head in the game

    3. Nervous? Great!

    4. You gotta be sold

    5. Know your audience

    6. Find your OBI-one

    7. Create a S.T.A.R. moment

    1. TIME REQUIRED: 1 hour

    2. Structuring 'logical' presentations

    3. Structuring 'change' presentations

    4. Structuring 'bad news' presentations

    5. Your top, tail and transitions

    1. TIME REQUIRED: 1-2 hours

    2. Chunkify your slides

    3. Fab-5 of slide design

    4. Rehearsal: Putting it all together

    5. Pro hack: Rehearse with Coach function in PowerPoint

    6. How to master virtual presenting

    7. What pro speakers do

    8. Make it stick with a story

    1. TIME REQUIRED: 5-10 minutes

    2. Feedback questions to improve as a speaker

    3. Make it stick: Revise, retain, apply!

    4. Fly, be FREE. But what next for you?

    5. Your feedback: Got a minute? We'd love to hear your thoughts

    6. Oooh, miss it the first time? Your summary infographic: The 10 Commandments of PRESENTING


About this course

  • $295.00
  • 29 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Power tip

Invite a 'study buddy'.

If you can find a friend or colleague who'd like to do the training with you, you're both more likely to finish the course. It also lets you discuss issues together, deepening your learning.

Your instructor

Paul Jones
Dot-Connector, Idea Injector, BS Rejector

Your course instructor is corporate communications expert Paul Jones.

Paul is a leading speaker, trainer and writer on the topic of corporate communications. He's a founder and director of Magneto Communications and Credosity.

With a background as a copywriter (20 years) and corporate comms trainer (15+ years), Paul's secret sauce lies in applying copywriting psychology to business communication.

Through his keynotes, masterclasses and webinars, his principles have inspired thousands of people to:

  •     engage their audience
  •     persuade them
  •     build credibility
  •     communicate quickly and clearly.

He's helped CXO teams through to graduates change how they write, think and lead at work.

His blue-chip client list includes NAB, Westpac, BHP, Optus, IBM and Clayton Utz. 

'I've endured a lot of training over the years, but I think I got the most out of this course [Presenting with Impact] than anything else I've ever done ... 

'I still can't believe  how much we got through, that it was all relevant, and that I've retained so much.'

– Procurement Lead, major corporation

Paul's engaging, interactive approach makes his courses fun, fascinating and effective. It's why thousands of people have finished his training and couldn't wait to go back to work and deliver their next presentation. 

Paul's enthusiasm for communications, psychology and human behaviour is contagious. It results in rich training, with frequent stories, many before/after examples and memorable insights.